Join us for an incredible day of events including a secret paths food hike, live art throughout the village, special food events, special performances by the cast of Anne & Gilbert and a great music line-up ending the day with Honey I’m Home, A Shania Twain...
In Misery, true life becomes stranger than fiction when an acclaimed romance novelist wakes up in the home of his “Number One Fan”. Rescued from a wintery car crash, Paul Sheldon finds himself incapacitated in the secluded home of Annie Wilkes, a seemingly kind nurse....
A one-night stand turns into a quarter-century affair in Same Time, Next Year, one of the most popular romantic comedies of all time. The Tony Award-winning play follows George and Doris’ clandestine weekend rendezvous over the course of 25 years. The starry-eyed...
Learn to loom knit, knit mittens, the brioche stitch and much more! Knitters of all ages and skill level welcome! For full details on workshop dates, prices, and information visit
Wild rice sparks a battle royal between an Indigenous farmer and a white cottager, whose increasingly bitter dispute becomes a microcosm for reconciliation. Told with warmth and humour, and encompassing issues of community, respect and ownership, Cottagers &...