Lobster Fish and Feast

Lobster Fish and Feast

Learn about oyster and mussel beds as you sail by them. Stop at a lobster buoy, gaff and bring a lobster trap on board the boat so your authentic lobster fisher can guide you through the process of doing all the things lobster fishers do to get their catch to your...
PEI Lobster Haul

PEI Lobster Haul

Assist an experienced lobster fisher with his daily chores, learning how his catch gets to your table. Haul a trap and measure the lobster before returning the trap to sea. Enjoy a fresh lobster roll on board.
Spooning at the Shanty

Spooning at the Shanty

Learn to play the spoons with spoon player extraordinaire, Brendon Peters, at an authentic lobster chanty on the pictuesque North Rustico wharf. Play along with Brendon as he teaches you the technique and some traditional Island music. Take Brendon’s hand-made...